Utilising Technology to
Communicate with Clients


Proloquo2go is a flexible and easy to use program that anyone can use through an iPad or iPhone. Learn about how this app can help you reduce behaviours and implement a true person-centred approach to your service.

who is this for?

Proloquo2go is a flexible and easy to use program that anyone can use through an iPad or iPhone. Learn about how this app can help you reduce behaviours and implement a true person-centred approach to your service.


Advances in technology is allowing people with disabilities and carers to use practical and easy to use tools to improve communication. This course will allow participants to become acquainted with the use of Proloquo2go, Pictello and Choiceworks.

It is recommended that participants attend either the Practical Strategies for Working with Autism or Positive Approaches to Behaviour Management workshops before attending this workshop.

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be issued with a Certificate of Completion.

For group discounts please contact us on (02) 8076 4774


By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Improved ability to understand communication needs and preferences of clients

  • Gain knowledge of basics Proloquo2go – creating folders and keys, settings, editing, etc.

  • Improved ability to use Pictello and Choiceworks – using digital social stories

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be issued with a Certificate of Completion.

For group discounts, please contact us on (02) 8076 4774.

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Upcoming workshops

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